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The management of chronic pain

Dr Giresh Kanji discusses the challenges related to managing chronic pain in primary care, including both pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical options. 





Dr Giresh Kanji

Musculoskeletal Pain Specialist

Giresh is a Musculoskeletal Pain Specialist who completed a PhD in 2013 looking at how pain spreads and amplifies. He developed a model of chronic pain and is passionate about simple self management of common chronic pain conditions such as headache, migraine, neck pain and low back pain. He has published one RCT for chronic tension type headache and is currently working on an RCT for chronic low back pain. He is the editor of Australasian Musculoskeletal Medicine and chairperson of the NZ Pain Foundation, a research charity. He has written two books "Fix Your Back" and "Fix Your Neck pain, Headache & Migraine" and is currently working on a book on Insomnia, Anxiety & Depression. He worked as a General Practitioner for a decade prior to working full time in Musculoskeletal Pain Medicine. To find out more about Giresh visit