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Musculoskeletal pain specialist Giresh Kanji provides an update on fibromyalgia.

Fibromyalgia is a collection of symptoms and is best termed a syndrome. The collection of symptoms includes widespread pain, poor sleep, fatigue, brain fog and sometimes depression. A sensitivity to light, sound, touch and smell is also described. There is generalised tenderness, which is how you diagnose the syndrome.


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Take home messages


  1. fibromyalgia fact sheet
  2. Endorsed Criteria
  3. Key points about fibromyalgia
  4. Supporting people impacted by fibromyalgia


Giresh Kanji

Musculoskeletal Pain Specialist

Dr Giresh Kanji is a Musculoskeletal Pain Specialist and Researcher. He explored the sensory amplification of pain in his PhD including the role of the human stress response. He has presented in NZ, Australia, Tahiti, USA and Europe.

He is an honorary Associate Professor at Auckland University, the chairperson of the NZ Pain Foundation and editor of Australasian Musculoskeletal Medicine. He is the author of “Fix Your Back”, “Fix Your Neck Pain, Headache and Migraine” and the 2019 New Zealand Bestseller about insomnia, anxiety and depression – “Brain Connections: How to sleep better, worry less and feel happier”.

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The Goodfellow Unit podcast is funded in part by the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners.