Find out about the support being put in place to assist primary care during the 2022 cold and flu season, including:
- Monkeypox – it’s here, so how do we manage it?
- An update on what the winter modelling is telling us
- Changes being made to help people with mild symptoms to obtain information and advice, in the first instance, from Healthline, Health Navigator NZ, and pharmacies.
The NRHCC panel will talk about the cascading level of care, including self-help online and self-care, virtual care via Healthline, face-to-face or virtual care via pharmacies, general practice or urgent care/after-hours.
The Northern Region Health Coordination Centre Panel
- Massimo, Infectious Disease & Sexual Health Physician.
- Emma Lawrey, Emergency Physician
- Gabrielle Lord, GM of Practice Services and Nursing Director, ProCare
- Gary Jackson, Director of Population Health, Counties Manukau Health
- Ruth Large, Emergency Physician
- Stuart Jenkins, Clinical Director – Primary Care, Waitemata and Auckland DHBs
- John Cameron, GP at Westmere Medical Centre
- Janine Bycroft, GP and CEO, Health Navigator NZ