- Assessment & Management Guideline: Patho-anatomical and category-based diagnoses - Dr Steve White | AUT University
- STarT Back screening tool - Keele University & Arthritis Research UK
- Knee Health - TREK education and research
- Aotearoa Osteoarthritis Booklets - Active living & rehabilitation New Zealand
Duncan will cover:
- Conservative management of low back and neck pain.
- Conservative management of lateral elbow pain.
- Best practice management of OA of the hip and knee.
Duncan will consider current best practice guidelines, stratification for onward referral and the ability to get the best out of your physiotherapy network.
As always, we will answer as many questions as possible during this session.

Duncan Reid
DHSc, MHSc (Hons), PgDipHSc, Dip Phsio, BSc
Duncan is a Professor of Physiotherapy within the Faculty of Health and Environmental; Science, Auckland University of Technology
Duncan has had 42 years of clinical experience in Musculoskeletal and Sports Physiotherapy. His main areas of interest are in manual and manipulative therapy especially manipulation to the cervical spine, a topic he has taught both nationally and internationally. His research interests have also included sports injury incidence and prevention, sports related concussion, the management of knee injuries, and has completed his doctoral thesis investigating the effects of lower limb stretching interventions on patients with OA of the knee.
Duncan's experience in Sports Physiotherapy is also extensive. He has been a member of the Olympic and Commonwealth Games Medical team from 1988 until the Sydney Olympics in 2000 and was Chief Physiotherapist for the 1992, 1994 and 1996 Games. Duncan is the Physiotherapy Advisor for High Performance Sport NZ.
He has over 200 peer review journal and book publications and is on the editorial panel of the journals Musculoskeletal Science and Practice, Manual and Manipulative Therapy and the Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy.