Te Whatu Ora presents Te Tiri Whakāro: Sharing Knowledge, a webinar series to support primary care.
This webinar is about improving patient outcomes in long-term conditions, the topics will cover:
- Self-management support guiding principles - Dr Janine Bycroft and Frances King will provide an overview on the Journey to Wellbeing | Huarahi Ora Guiding Principles that has been developed to support providers delivering self-management support programmes for patients with long-term health conditions.
- Atrial Fibrillation - Dr Alan Davis will present an update on Atrial Fibrillation with the goal of improving patient outcomes.
- Clinical Updates - Dr Sue Tutty.
As always, we will answer as many questions as possible during this session.

Janine Bycroft
BChB, Dip Obs, Dip Paeds, FRNZCGP, MPH (Hons), FiHNZ
Janine is a specialist GP, founder, and CEO of the award-winning Health Navigator Charitable Trust, home to Healthify, New Zealand’s leading health information website. With a master’s in public health, Janine has been at the forefront of self-management support, care planning and digital health for over 30 years. Her leadership has seen the creation of critical resources like the NZ Health App Library, Te Kete wellbeing resources, paediatric dosing calculators, WOVEN (Whanau Voice of Experience Network) and plain language consumer-focused resources earning an ACC Patient Safety Award in 2021.
Recognised as a Distinguished Fellow by the RNZCGP in 2022 and awarded a Fellowship by Health Informatics NZ in 2023, Janine continues to champion advancing digital health, AI, and open notes as enablers to transform healthcare. Her work aims to enhance access, flexibility, and whānau self-care skills, improving outcomes for individuals and communities alike.

Frances King
(Ngati Porou) RCpN, PGDipHSc.
Frances is a healthcare professional with over 30 years' experience. Her commitment and background in mental health nursing combined with extensive leadership and management roles including primary care, hospital services, aged residential care, maternity, allied health, home based community services, mental health services, kaupapa Māori services, community innovations and research has been beneficial in leading the review project for self-management support in long-term health conditions and the development of the Journey to Wellbeing | Huarahi Ora.
She currently serves as the Equity Lead and Project Manager at Health Navigator Charitable Trust and is committed to improving health outcomes through innovation and co-design.

Alan Davis
Te Whatu Ora, Te Tai Tokerau, Aotearoa New Zealand.
Alan is a geriatrician and stroke physician from Tai Tokerau, Northland. He is co-lead for the National Clinical Stroke Network and also clinical lead for stroke for the Northern Region of New Zealand. Previous roles have included Clinical Advisor for Stroke for the Ministry of Health and Clinical Lead for Health of Older People for the Northern Region. He has been involved in the planning and implementation of stroke services across New Zealand, in particular the Northern Region of New Zealand. Across his career, he has held a range of clinical leadership and health management positions.