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The latest on shingles and Shingrix

Dr Buzz Burrell will speak on zoster (current management, red flags, when to refer), and postherpetic neuralgia.

Dr Joan Ingram will speak about the vaccine Shingrix which is taking over from the previous vaccine Zostavax.


Joan Ingram

Infectious Diseases Physician

Joan is an Infectious Diseases Physician at Auckland City Hospital and Medical Advisor at The  Immunisation Advisory Centre. She trained in New Zealand, England and America. She has a longstanding interest in travel and tropical medicine.   In her travel clinic she administered vaccinations to thousands of people, and she is passionate about the ability of vaccines to prevent illness.


Buzz Burrell


Buzz is the owner of Renwick Medical Centre, he has over 20 years’ experience as a GP. He is also a Pain Fellow at the Auckland Regional Pain Service.