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Managing perimenopause and menopause: when the symptoms are not hot flushes


Through case studies we will review:

  • When can mood change in midlife make you think of hormones?
  • Ways of communicating with patients that hormone treatment may not be the answer.
  • How progesterone can be beneficial, but also lead to side effects and be intolerable in hormonal management.

As always, we will answer as many questions as time permits.



Samantha Newman

General Practitioner

MBChB BSc (hons) DipOMG

Samantha is a GP who spends a lot of time working in the womens health space.  She enjoys reviewing her patient's histories, to extract aspects which can help guide to a diagnosis and fine tune management.  She feels that General Practice is key to good midlife care, and enjoys integrating lifestyle and hormonal health together with positive ageing.

Samantha is an Honorary Lecturer of the University of Auckland, an Adjunct Associate Researcher at Health and Research Centre at the University of Monash, is an Accredited Forensic Examination for MEDSAC and does a couple of tenths of General GP at a local practice.