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Quiet eye and the red eye

Justin Mora discusses the diagnosis and management of the following:

  • common causes of a red irritable eye
  • ocular trauma
  • flashes and floaters.

He will include a series of case studies looking at neuro-ophthalmic presentations.




Dr Justin Mora


Justin is an ophthalmologist working at Auckland Eye and the Greenlane Clinical Centre. He has training in glaucoma (Shaffer Fellow UCSF- 1995) and in paediatric ophthalmology and strabismus (Indiana University - 1996). He also practises cataract and laser refractive surgery, including SMILE.

He is a Senior Lecturer for the Auckland Medical school and has authored papers in the fields of glaucoma, paediatrics and strabismus. He runs the paediatric ophthalmology fellowship training program in Auckland.

Justin has a strong interest in education. He is a past Chief Examiner for RANZCO and is currently the Censor-in-Chief (Head of Education). He has driven an overhaul of the selection process for ophthalmology training in Australia and New Zealand and the most extensive revision of the RANZCO vocational training program in the last 20 years.

He is involved in charitable work in Cambodia and Laos to train the region's first specialist paediatric ophthalmologists and has helped with curriculum development and examinations in Fiji and Papua New Guinea.