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Responding to crisis presentations


Levels of stress and distress in our communities have increased significantly in the face of events of the past 3-4 years, with the greatest increase seen in teens and young adults.  For many of those struggling, distress escalates to the point of crisis before help is sought, and primary care is often where people seek help.  

With specialist mental health and addiction services increasingly struggling to manage demand, it is falling to primary care to manage more of these presentations alone.  With the rollout of the Integrated Primary Mental Health and Addiction programme progressing, more and more GPs now have a mental health clinician/HIP team member to support managing crisis presentations.  

However, the wider primary care team remain with a critical role in meeting this need. This session will provide a practical overview of the different types of crisis presentation, assessment and management of each, the role of HIPs in meeting this need as part of a team response, and when to refer/how to increase the likelihood of a referral being accepted.


  • Whitu app - An app for young people aged 16–25 years, who feel overwhelmed or stressed in their current situation.
  • Manawa app - An app version of the personal safety plan.


David Codyre

Consultant Psychiatrist

MBChB (1980), FRANZCP (1989)

Consultant Psychiatrist/Clinical Director Mental Health, Tamaki Health

Clinical Director, Tū Whakaruruhau (Auckland Wellbeing Collaborative)

David is a psychiatrist with 30 years experience working in the community and primary mental health sector in New Zealand, in a range of clinical and leadership roles. David currently works with Tamaki Health, a network of clinics providing team-based primary care services to populations in high-needs areas of Auckland.

He is currently seconded half time as Clinical Director of the Auckland Wellbeing Collaborative, supporting implementation of IPMHA model integrating wellness support into all GP clinics in Auckland.

David is also Lead Psychiatrist to Whakarongorau, the National Telehealth Service – the home of 1737 “Need to Talk”, the Depression Helpline, Drug/Alcohol Helpline, and Gambling Helpline.

Email: [email protected]