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Minimising harm in opioid drug prescribing

Prescribing opioid medications can be problematic due to potential for dependence and misuse.

Dementia care for Māori

This resource provides information and tools around communicating with Māori patients and their whānau.

HPV immunisation in primary care

Associate Professor Nikki Turner about optimising HPV vaccination and the impact on clinical outcomes.

Respiratory infections in children

In this responsible prescribing video presentation, our specialists discuss the management of respiratory illness in children.

Maximising the health of older people

GP Professor Ngaire Kerse on maximising the health of our older patients.

Snoring in children

Snoring occurs in approximately one-third of children. About 10% of these children snore every night.

Prescribing tramadol

Northland general practitioner and addiction medicine specialist Dr Alistair Dunn on the concerns around the prescription drug tramadol.

Assessing decision-making capacity: the clinical basics

It is within the scope of practice of ALL medical practitioners to assess decision-making capacity and obtain informed consent.

Decision-making capacity: the legal aspects

Learn about the legal process that follows a capacity assessment.

Insomnia: diagnosis & treatment

How to effectively assess and manage a patient with insomnia, including the management of chronic insomnia disorder.

Dog bites: treatment and management

There are many kinds of lacerations and wounds that need attention, with this course focusing on dog bites.

Anterior cruciate ligament injuries

We review the clinical assessment of patients with an ACL injury.  

Radial head fractures

Fractures of the radial head are common, they are seen in 20% of all acute elbow injuries and make up one-third of all elbow fractures.