Our speakers will cover the pathophysiology of fever and how to dispel the fever phobia myths that have persisted for decades.
They will discuss the efficacy and safety of analgesics including their place in fever management and childhood illnesses.
Febrile convulsions will be addressed using cases to highlight relevant points in fever management, as well as the role of analgesics during immunisation events.
They will also discuss the paracetamol and ibuprofen in Primary Prevention of Asthma in Tamariki (PIPPA Tamariki trial).

Assoc Prof Karen Hoare
Karen is a Nurse Practitioner for Children and Young People and works in partnership with six general practitioners in South Auckland. She has researched and implemented models of care into general practice that case managed infants, children and young people. She leads the school based collaboration between Greenstone Family Clinic and Counties Manukau DHB, which works with school nurses in Manurewa. Karen trained as a children’s nurse at Great Ormond Street hospital, London, and then as a Health Visitor, before immigrating to New Zealand.

Dr Stuart Dalziel
Stuart is a specialist paediatrician with sub-specialty training in paediatric emergency medicine. He is the Director of Emergency Medicine Research at Starship Children’s Hospital and Professor of Paediatrics and Emergency Medicine at the University of Auckland. Stuart has a PhD in epidemiology from the University of Auckland and is involved in both local and international emergency medicine research groups. His research interests are focused on acute paediatric presentations, specifically respiratory and neurological presentations, as well as the long-term effects of perinatal/early life treatments.

Dr Eunicia Tan
Eunicia is Co-Director of Emergency Medicine Research at Middlemore Hospital, Counties Manukau Health, and Senior Lecturer at the University of Auckland. She is currently undertaking doctoral studies investigating the effects of antipyretics on respiratory disease and eczema in infancy, as part of the PIPPA Tamariki research programme. Areas of interest include emergency medicine, paediatrics, clinical education and mixed methods research.