Dr Giresh Kanji will discuss the risks of insomnia including anxiety, depression, early death, dementia, cancer, hypertension and ischaemic heart disease. The physiological changes present in a person with insomnia, including autonomic dysfunction will be discussed, as well as the role of childhood trauma and current stressors. How sleep relates to fatigue will also be examined.
The webinar will include the research on restoring sleep, judicious use of hypnotics and other sleeping tablets. All you need to know to get a good nights sleep.

Dr Giresh Kanji
PhD, MBChB, PGDip Musmed, MMGT, PG Dip Businfo, FAFMM, FRNZCGP
Giresh is a Musculoskeletal Pain Specialist and Researcher. He explored the sensory amplification of pain in his PhD including the role of the human stress response. He has presented in NZ, Australia, Tahiti, USA and Europe.
He is an honorary associate professor at Auckland University, the chairperson of the NZ Pain Foundation and editor of Australasian Musculoskeletal Medicine.
He is the author of “Fix Your Back”, “Fix Your Neck Pain, Headache and Migraine”, “Brain Connections: How to sleep better, worry less and feel happier” and his latest e-book Brain Connections Sleep Well & Energise: A No-Pills Approach.
You can contact Giresh here: https://gireshkanji.com/