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Challenges in diagnosis and management of Long COVID

Challenges in diagnosis and management of Long COVID

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Long COVID, also known as post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC), is a complex condition that can affect individuals’ weeks or even months after they've been infected with the virus. Symptoms can vary widely and may include debilitating fatigue, shortness of breath, chest pain, and cognitive dysfunction.

While the exact cause of Long COVID is not fully understood, emerging evidence is shedding light on potential pathological pathways, including disruptions to the immune, nervous, and vascular systems. Altered immune cell function, inflammation, as well as lingering viral reservoirs, are likely contributors to persistence of immune dysregulation.

Recent studies further unveil the crucial role of metabolic and mitochondrial disruptions, potentially further exacerbating inflammation and hindering immune function. The latest research breakthroughs will be discussed, highlighting interconnected pathological pathways, ongoing areas of investigation, and the clinical challenges faced in diagnosis, management, and prevention.

BIO: Anna Brooks

Dr Anna Brooks is a Senior Lecturer teaching postgraduate virology, biotech and advanced cell characterisation technologies.

Anna's research is focused on immunoprofiling or advanced cell characterisation of various immune perturbations (infectious diseases, post-viral illnesses, vaccine and drug responses). She has over 15 years experience in human immunology, with specific training and expertise in advanced cell characterisation using high dimensional spectral flow cytometry. 

Anna is currently leading a study to understand the underlying immune dysfunction of Long COVID and its relationship with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS). In addition, she is a consultant and/or collaborator on a number of commercial projects, including clinical trials.

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